Activates & Event

Fresher Party
Here are some amazing photos of the freshers party held at Smt. S. B. Patel Institute of Business Management affiliated Sankalchand Patel University. The fresher party featured a variety of activities such as one minute games, dancing, garba…
NSS orientation program
On 11th August 2023, NSS unit and BBA department organized an NSS orientation program with the help of NSS programme officer Mr. Mitesh Thakor gave insights about the NSS activities done in the college. Dr Rakesh Patel was the speaker of the events, he gave briefs about the NSS activities. The objectives of NSS was also discussed like to understand the community in which they work, understand themselves in relation to their community……

Teacher’s day is a memorable occasion for the Nation and student community, in particular, is celebrated every year on 5th September, the birthday of Dr. Sarvipalli Radhakrishan, our second president. In our college its regular feature and this year celebration is conducted at our department by our students on 5th September 2022…
Smt. S. B. Patel Institute of Business Management organized an Industrial Visit to Maahi Dairy Plant in Junagadh for students. This visit happened on 16-March-2022. The total number of students on this academic trip was 151. Industrial visits are arranged for students so that they can connect the theoretical knowledge of books with the practical knowledge of the market…..

Fashion Show
Smt. S.B. Patel Institute of Business Management affiliated with Sankalchand Patel University organized a fashion show event on 12-March-2022, Saturday. The title of the event was “Walk on Red Carpet – Fashion Show 2022”. Department of BSc Fashion Designing and Management under SMT. S.B Patel Institute of Business Management organized this event. A total of 35 students from various schools of Visnagar Taluka and from the institution itself participated in the event …
Study alone doesn’t develop the capabilities of a student. Sports help students to venture out of the classroom environment and expand their physical and mental capabilities. Outdoor games help students avoid lethargic and sedentary lifestyle thus keeping them fit and healthy. Sports events also help academic sessions of offering some diversity of work assignments to students. Thus keeping the above points in consideration Smt. S.B Patel Institute of Business Management…

Nootan Udaan
On the 36th death anniversary of the founder of Nootan Sarva Vidyalaya Kelavani Mandal, Independent fighter and Social worker Late Shri Sankalchandbhai Patel, on Monday 28th November 2022, at 8:30 am in the morning, a program of floral tributes was held to the statue at various places in Visnagar city in the presence of the leaders of the society. On the commemorative day, a convocation ceremony was held for the students who passed out in the academic year 2021-22. In which Dr. Sundar Manoharan, Director General of Pandit Deendayal Energy University (PDEU), Gandhinagar,