Smt. S. B. Patel Institute Of Business Management

Smt. S. B. Patel Institute Of Business Management(BBA)

Sankalchand Patel University

Smt. S. B. Patel Institute Of Business Management(BBA)

Sankalchand Patel University

Message from President

Shri Prakashbhai Patel
- President, Sankalchand Patel University

We are happy and proud to announce our 7th anniversary of establishment as a University. Our roots are strong and deep. They go back to 1941, when my grandfather Late Shri Sankalchand Patel started a school in the barren land where education was not accessible to the children (of the region).

Today, three quarter of a century later, we have become a leading educational Institution in the Northern Gujarat region and have become a full-fledged University running courses in various disciplines from Humanities & Science to Technical and Medical streams.

Sankalchand Patel University, a union of eleven colleges of Nootan Sarva Vidyalaya Kelavani Mandal, Visnagar is growing faster than ever. Our thrust is to stand out by providing quality education and creating a bright future for the students.

We are committed to our vision of helping the community through effective education and a successful career which ultimately results in social improvement and reformation. And, now with the establishment of Sankalchand Patel University, we are one more step closer to fulfilling our vision. Today, I invite you to be part of the SPU family.

Let’s bring the transformation together!