Smt. S. B. Patel Institute Of Business Management

Smt. S. B. Patel Institute Of Business Management(BBA)

Sankalchand Patel University

Smt. S. B. Patel Institute Of Business Management(BBA)

Sankalchand Patel University

Shikha Dave (BBA 2014)

“Study Hard, Never Give Up” As a BBA student I look back at my time in S. B. Patel institute of Business management as a great experience. Life as a SSBPIBM student is unique in its own right. In SSBPIBM studies are perfectly balanced with extracurricular to achieve overall development of the students. The professors are experts in their respective field and as such are able to provide excellent theoretical as well as practical knowledge to the students. I just had dreams and eagerness to learn when I joined college, I am thankful to all the faculty members and SSBPIBM for providing a platform to enhance my skills. Last but not least In short I can say that, SSBPIBM provides education in the true sense of the world

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