Smt. S. B. Patel Institute Of Business Management

Smt. S. B. Patel Institute Of Business Management(BBA)

Sankalchand Patel University

Smt. S. B. Patel Institute Of Business Management(BBA)

Sankalchand Patel University

Partham Laxkarr(BBA-2008) (ICWA)

The journey from the Smt. S.B. Patel Institute of Business Management is a perfect combination of opportunities and success. Though it would be difficult to sum up two years of my experience in few lines. I must say that the learning and exposure the college gives are just commendable. The faculty is amazingly amiable and will stand by you from the first day to the end. Principal ma’am is wise, soft, most humble, and the most respected and dignified lady. The college gives apt mix of academics, industry exposure, functions like Udaan, days, sport week and Thanganat and most important attitude with aptitude, altitude, respect and leadership. I experienced that the Smt. S.B. Patel Institute of Business Management is a place where pebbles are polished and diamonds are dimmed. In order to enjoy the ride of this journey, stay positive, enjoy the rise and falls, and you will enter into the infinite credit, supply, possibilities of new era with lots of demand of success. The principal and faculty just want you to be captivated, motivated and self-disciplined. The smarter you work the luckier you become… So, dream, endeavor and achieve your goals from the college.

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